By Chicamod.com
African food is fast becoming an international delicacy. It doesn’t matter where they are, Africans have learnt to celebrate and embrace their eating culture without shame. Or is it that their craving for home food is too great?
Nevertheless, last week from October 13th to 20th, New York City was the hub of The African Restaurant Week. Various restaurants participated in this annual event. The meals that were served in the high end African restaurants were three course meals. The charges were $19.95 per person for lunch and $28.95 for dinner. Bare in mind that this offer is for all the food you can eat for different African delicacies. The tickets were being sold at www.beuevents.com. The African food week was not only about food, other events were also organized.
Although you might have missed this year’s African Food Week, don’t despair you can always attend next year’s .So keep it Chicamod.com for more information. The table below will also give you an inkling of the event.
October 13 / Sunday Kick-off Event: Food and Wine Tasting October 18 / Friday African Cuisine & Culture Party”
Taj Lounge / 2pm-8pm Buka / l0pm-2am
www.Taj1ounge.com 945 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, NY
October 14 I Monday “Afro Beats & Dinner” October 19 / Saturday A Taste of Senegal”
Amarachi /4pm-11pm JoIIof/2pm-7pm
325 Franklin Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
www.amarachi325.com 1168 Bedford Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY
October 15 / Tuesday “Explore South Africa” www.jolofljoloff.com
Madiba Restaurant / 6pm-11pm
www.madibarestaurant.com October 20 / Sunday “Pan-African Literature Salon”
195 Dekalb Avenue, Brooklyn, NY La Caye / 4pm-7pm
A reading event featuring three
October 16 / Wednesday “African Cuisine;What Next?” renowned African and Haitian
LeSouk Harem / 6pm-10:30pm literary authors
510 LaGuardia Place, New York, NY 35 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
www.lesoukny.com www.lacayebk.com
October 17 / Thursday “African Food and Wine Also when you join BeUevents.com Partnership program; BeUevents
meets Brooklyn” will donate SI to breast cancer research.
370 Tompkins Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
www.bed-vyne. com
Image Credits: TasteofAfricaUsa