Celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder had only come to Africa for her holiday but since she believes you ‘should eat your beauty”, she saw an angle of food and nutrition that would enhance ones beauty.
Upon return to the United States, Kimberly had already come up with a bunch of smoothie recipes to sooth anyone’s thirst especially during East Africa’s January heat. Below Chicamod.com shares with you the step by step process of making these healthy smoothies.

This shake was inspired by the gorilla diet which Kimberly Snyder and her husband observed in Northern Rwanda during a volcanic mountain trek. The gorilla’s diet consists of over 200 types of plants which are mostly greens, bok choy, sunflower sprouts, fruits especially papaya and bamboo shoots. Within these ingredients there a lot of nutrients which include proteins, vitamins, amino acids and enzymes. Here is the recipe for Kimberly Snyder’s
Gorilla Shake: Ingredients:
• ¼ cup sunflower sprouts
• 1 cup baby bok choy (use green leaf part)
• 1 ½ cup papaya, chopped (ripe)
• ½ cup coconut water
• 1 cup banana, chopped
Instructions: Blend all the ingredients until they are smooth.
During their trip at The Serengeti in Tanzania, Kim Snyder and her husband got to see many different animals that are both herbivores and carnivores. They also observed that a variety of animals eat figs, which is blended to get maximum nutrients. The Serengeti smoothie is an anti-aging one which is high in anti aging antioxidants and vitamin E and calcium gotten from almond milk for strong bones.
•4 dried figs
• 1 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
• 1 1/3 cup banana
• 1 tsp. raw cacao (cocoa beans are grown in East Africa)
Instructions: Blend all the ingredients together until they form a smooth consistency.
This smoothie is inspired by a 3 year old adopted by a member of the Gardens for Health International Staff. Kimberly Snyder says approximately 44% children in East Africa are malnourished. The Gardens of Health International staff tries to fight this by providing seeds for families and teaching them to grow vegetables. Each family is also given an avocado tree to symbolize commitment and to provide them with the extra calories. The GHI Company makes a smoothie for the children from around the villages every day. This smoothie’s contains kale for protein and omega3, anti oxidants, Mangoes, lime juice and avocado which have Vitamins A, C and K.
• 1 ¼ cup mango, chopped (ripe)
• 1 cup curly kale • 2 Tbs. fresh lime juice
• ¼ cup avocado • 1 cup coconut water
Instructions: Blend all ingredients together until they form a smooth consistency. This smoothie can also act as your lunch by adding more avocadoes to add a bit of heaviness to it.
ZANZIBAR SHAKE: This shake was inspired by Kimberly Snyder’s vacation spent in Zanzibar also known as the spice island off the coast of Tanzania. It has tropical fruits such as pineapple which is rich in vitamin C and bromelain enzyme for cleansing and detoxifying, banana and coconut and it’s rich in spices like ginger which aids digestion and turmeric which is a blood cleanser and anti-inflammatory and also has anti-aging benefits. The instructions for making it are below:
• 1 cup pineapple (ripe)
• 1 cup banana, chopped
• ¾ cup cold coconut water
• 1 tsp. ginger, peeled and chopped
• 1 tsp. vanilla extract • 1 Tbs. raw coconut nectar
• 1/8 tsp turmeric (powdered or just a tiny nib of fresh)
Instructions: Blend all the ingredients until you achieve a smooth consistency.
Enjoy the video that featured on Queen Latifah