Our travel feature takes you behind the scenes of “Africancityzens”, a wanderlust-inducing platform which shares the love and passion for travel within Africa.
Leading this platform are Sarah and Lukhovi, two visual artists travelling through the continent and documenting the idyllic scenery and people of each place. Together they use their eye for photography to capture unique moments true to Africa, which they post to their Instagram account, @africancityzens.
“I am a self taught photographer with a background in Psychology. My main interests are in portrait and street photography.” ~Sarah
“I am a Kenyan based photographer and installation artist whose work is based on identity, space and movement.” ~Lukhovi
We had the opportunity of corresponding with these two travel artists, who share more about their experience with us and their motivation for starting this project:
1. Describe your Instagram account in one phrase.
Transcending borders, giving the African narrative.
2. What inspired you to start this travel-documenting project?
We are both passionate about art, travel, Africa as a continent and telling the African narrative. This travelling project has giving us the opportunity to see this continent from interesting points of view.
3. What are some of the best places you’ve visited in Africa?Sarah – I think saying the “best” is relative. I think each country has its own unique beauty and attributes.
Lukhovi – Its difficult to quantify the best place we have been able to visit, since most of the regions have their own ups and down. So far, Lake Malawi proved to be a very calm and polite space.
4. How do you decide which moments and scenes to capture for your Instagram?
Sarah – Candid moments, moments that are either unique about a place, or that shed light on true African heritage.
Lukhovi – I am inspired by very simple and straight moments that depict life in essence.
5. What makes a photo visually artistic to you?Sarah – Light, depending on the time of day, and the shadows. I like a little mystery in my photos.
Lukhovi – Patterns, lines and the texture in terms of the shade of light.
6. Describe a funny experience you’ve had while travelling.
Sarah – We once met a guy in Tanzania called “Black Poison” who was dark skinned, as black as his name, and dressed in black. He showed us where to get some decent accommodation and schooled us on the area, and what to watch out for and expect.
Lukhovi – When we had to hitch a ride from the Malawian border to Lilongwe and got this agent named Joel who has been at the border for the longest time as a travelling contact.
7. Any Instagram pet peeves?
Not really any.
8. What hopes do you have for the future of travel within Africa?
We hope to travel to as many regions as we possibly can within Africa, in the next 5-10 years. Our next trip looks at West Africa, as a region that dates back to the earlier centuries.
9. What do you hope to ignite in people with your photos?
The desire to experience Africa for themselves. The desire to connect African people through a visual representation.
10. A message to people who dream of travelling to Africa, but never seem to get to it?No amount of planning can get you ready, you just have to get up, do it, and experience it. All one needs is the inspiration to discover the space outside home.
For more candid moment, you can also follow Sarah and Lukhovi via their individual accounts @lafrohemien and @joelukhovi.