African women notoriously have beautiful skin. Smooth. Flawless. Ageless. What is their secret? It may be genetic. Or it may be the luxurious butters and oils seemingly unique to the trees flourishing in the African soil.
African women have been using these home-made products for hundreds of years. We’re here to discover the top 5 natural skin care products which grow on African soil and can be accessible to all consumers. Worldwide, demand for these are growing, as consumers increasingly recognize the value of pure cosmetics sourced directly from the earth, rather than for cosmetics made from all sorts of chemicals. Here’s the breakdown:
1. Coconut oil
2. Shea butter
3. Cocoa butter
4. Olive oil
5. Argan oil
It’s time to reconsider the lotion with the long list of ingredients you can’t pronounce. Chances are that conscious consumers can go to buy these products at their local grocery store. Other more specialized stores such as AJALI have women involved in production who are paid fairly, which increases the value of the product even more.
They have top-quality skin and hair care products, made exclusively using unrefined ingredients indigenous to West Africa. AJALI is a Nigerian company whose founder, Ifeyinwa Ojekwe, received the award for Best Made in Nigeria Product of the Year at the 2014 Sisterhood Awards earlier this month. AJALI’s mission is not only to provide high quality, hand-made cosmetics, but to source their ingredients directly from local traders, thereby supporting the local communities.
But all that aside, the products simply look amazing.