Are you nuts about nuts? I know most people love these tiny fruits that bring numerous benefits to our bodies.
Nuts in general are whole foods which are packed with proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Their composition of omega-3 fatty acids, protein and fiber will help you feel full and suppress your appetite therefore they are really good in dieting. In general nuts are good if they are eaten in moderation but if they are exaggerated or paired with the wrong sugary or salty toppings their effect isn’t all so good.
When watching your weight you should avoid nuts that have been packaged or roasted in oil and aim to eat them raw or dry roasted. This is because roasted nuts may have been heated in unhealthy fats or high temperatures that may have destroyed their nutrients. The lowest calorie nuts are almonds; 23 nuts contain 6 grams of protein and 14 grams of fat, 16 to 18 nuts of cashews contain 5 grams of protein and 13 grams of fat, 49 pistachio nuts have 6 grams of protein and 13 grams of fat.
Macadamia nuts contain 2 grams of protein and 21 grams of fat in 10 to 12 nuts, 18 to 20 halves of pecans have 3 grams of protein and 20 grams of fat. Although they are still healthy nuts, they have the lowest protein and highest fats, which make them the worst ones for dieting. So aim to eat them raw or as plain as possible to make the best out of them.

Researchers recommend eating eight walnuts a day. Walnuts are the best for your heart as they contain heart healthy omega-3 fats; 14 halves contain 185 calories, 18 grams of fat and 4 grams of protein. Health researchers have also pointed out that walnuts are as effective as olive oil in reducing inflammation and oxidation in the arteries after eating a fatty meal.
Peanuts or groundnuts are the most available nuts in East Africa. Although they are placed in the same category as legumes they are also generally referred to as nuts. An ounce of peanuts (28 unshelled nuts) has 170 calories, 7 grams protein and 14 grams fat. They are also high in folate– a mineral which is essential for brain development and may protect against cognitive decline. This makes them a great choice for vegetarians and pregnant women (folate helps to protect unborn babies from birth defects). Peanuts are also full of brain boosting healthy fats and Vitamin E.

Creamy Brazil nuts may protect against prostate cancer and other diseases this is because they contain the Selenium mineral. One nut is enough for a day as too much of Selenium may lead to Type 2 Diabetes. An ounce of Brazil nuts contains 190 calories, 19 grams of fat and 4 grams of protein. An ounce of Pecan nuts (18-20 halves) contains 200 calories; 21 grams fat and 3 grams protein. Pecans contain Beta-sitosterol-a plant steroid that may relieve symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)/ enlarged prostrate.


Almonds are the best nuts for disease prevention. This is due to the fact that, they have the lowest calories, highest amount of calcium plus they also contain fiber, vitamin E and an anti oxidant that helps fight dangerous inflammation and health conditions like lung cancer and age related cognitive decline.

Cashewnuts are high in calories, 100 g provide 553 calories. These nuts are also very rich in nutrients which include dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and phyto-chemicals that protect against cancers. They contain monosaturated fats which are good in maintaining healthy cholesterol in the body. Cashewnuts contain an important pigment flavanoid antioxidant called zea –xanthin which is important in maintaining a healthy retina. It also provides UV rays filtering functions and helps to prevent age related muscular degeneration in the elderly.

The Kola nut is found is mostly found in West and Central Africa. This nut is highly prized among the areas it’s found and it’s used in numerous occasions. Kola nuts contain protein,starch,fats, thiamin, riboflavin,niacin and caffeine among many ingredients found in all types of other nuts. The high amounts of caffeine it contains, help to combat fatigue and is most commonly used as a central nervous system stimulant that focuses on the cerebrospinal centers. It’s used traditionally to cure a host of diseases which include migraines and headaches and also asthma. This nut also contains theobromine, a stimulant found in chocolate as well as in green tea.

When buying nuts choose 100-200 calorie packs and avoid anything in a large pack especially if you will be eating them straight from the pack. Avoid heavily chocolate coated nuts and aim for slightly glazed ones which are healthier. You should also check the labels for sugar content and the best bet is to buy lightly salted nuts. However, if you are a diabetic or watching your weight check the labels and avoid heavily salted nuts, hot and spicy or barbeque flavors. Beware of boiled peanuts which are made by soaking fresh, raw peanuts in their shells in a salty solution, this means that they contain more salt.

When buying any type of nut butter aim for the one with the fewest ingredients- the nuts involved and salt. Most peanut butters have natural oil separation, to counter this keep them refrigerated once you buy them. Avoid nut butters with added oils and sugars because most of them contain hydrogenated oils which are high in saturated fats for easier spreading and to prevent separation.

Pick a raw and unsalted mixed nuts bag as it provides the best nutrients and antioxidants. Pair the mixed nuts bag with a carbohydrate like fruit or juice because it helps slow down digestion and breakdown of sugar.