By Claudette Oduor
I guess most of us do appreciate the taste and flavor of Kachumbari. Believe me,those of you who have not tried it,this is some yummy and easy stuff to prepare. You’ll need the white variety of onion that’s best for vegetable salads. Find these at the vegetable section of your local Nakumatt, or at any organic foods store. You’ll also need tomatoes. Lots of people prefer the greener less ripe tomatoes for their salads. You’ll need coriander, locally known as dhania. Dice these up into little squares.This is the basic kachumbari. To add an interesting twist to it, cut up some chilli, locally known as pili pili. You can add some ripe avocado too, and squeeze the juice of one lemon into it. You can spice it up with your favorite herbs or spices, even sweeten it with sultanas. You can add more vegetable varieties to the salad, such as sweet peppers and boiled maize. The last time I made kachumbari, I experimented with cheese, dicing up the harder cheddar type and throwing it into the salad mix. You’re an artist and the salad bowl is your palette. Experiment with different colors, textures and flavors for a great vegetable masterpiece. At the end, you can use salad dressing but if you are conscious about calories, you can skip that step. Enjoy!
Photo Credits: Kenyanfood.wordpress.com