By ChicaMod.com
With the world and the new phenomena Going Green, one would wonder where some of the sustainable ways that have been our staple and tradition have disappeared to. If you can remember having to go the market with your Kikapu/ Ekyikapu- Woven Basket;the basket basically carried the produce that was purchased – with the basket being used till it disintegrated. Not only was this economical but sustainable.
Unfortunately, in the recent years more and more people are tending away from such traditional ways of life which have for the most part been sustainable, adapting ways that come with development eroding our own very culture. Not sure if the affordability of the plastic/ polythene bags( versus the time taken to put together these baskets or even the material required to make the basket is the influencing factor. This is indeed ironic as you had to go to the market with the papyrus basket that would be used over and over until it rots or fell apart. The advantage with this is that even when disposed off this would decompose and be able to create manure for the land. It is strange and ironic how with the years going by we are tending from these ways of life, instead adapting the use of polythene bags(Kaveera) which cannot decompose hence, harmful to the environment. Interesting to note, most of the developed countries,are working on re-adapting these methods that we have so taken for granted with many of the grocery stores offering the option of buying a recyclable shopping bag that wont be disposed and you could use multiple times.
1. Polythene is not biodegradable, and if dumped in the soil causes harm to the plant life, as the toxic substances of polythene get blocked among the soil particles.
2. Polythene threatens the life in the water bodies. The chemicals in polythene affects the survival of flora and fauna of the aquatic and marine eco systems.
3. Polythene is also likely to clog the drains causing problems in the water flow of the pipes. The pipe blockages would cause flooding and the free flow of water is disturbed.
4. Polythene is harmful for animals if swallowed. It solidifies inside the abdominal cavity which ultimately becomes lethal to the animal.
5. In most households poly bags are used to preserve food items. It has been found out, the colorful poly bags contains lead and cadmium which are toxic and cause adverse effects to human health.
6. If polythene is burnt in open air Hydrogen Cyanide which is carcinogenic (cancer causing) is released.
7. Hydrogen cyanide causes environmental pollution and health hazards
Photo Credit: smallbones.ca