It’s no secret that Lupita Nyong’o loves sukumawiki(Kales/Collard greens) she even posted it on her Face Book page and mentioned it in an interview with Craig Ferguson.

a plate of sukumawiki that was on Lupita’s Face Book page.
Lupita Nyong’o’s mom Dorothy Nyong’o also took the Sukumawiki cue from her and gave her a book “I Love Sukumawiki” which is authored by her cousin Kwame Nyong’o as a gift during The BAFTA’s. Apart from satisfying her taste buds, what exactly does the “12 Year a Slave” actress stand to gain from the cherished sukumawiki?

Lupita reading Kwame Nyong’o’s book
Sukumawiki is Ideal for weight management and detox. Sukumawiki has a lot of fiber which aides in digestion,lowers cholesterol and maintains your blood sugar levels it also keeps your liver healthy. A cup of sukumawiki has zero fat and 36 calories. Sukumawiki helps your skin glow. Could it be why Lupita Nyong’o has smooth glowing skin?This vegetable has copious amounts of vitamin C that increases your metabolism and hydrates your skin and body. Sukumawiki helps to Improve your eyesight. Sukumawiki has Vitamin A which assists in storing vitamins in the retina and helps to protect the optical disorders that come with age. Sukumawiki strengthens your Immune System. That must be Lupita Nyong’o secret to always looks healthy and fit and with all those interviews and dashing across states. Sukumawiki has more iron than beef. This helps to get more oxygen to your blood. It also has a high concentration of minerals that strengthen the immune system and fights viruses and bacteria. Sukumawiki is an anti-inflammatory. It contains omega-3 fatty acids which help to fight and alleviate arthritis, autoimmune disorders and asthma. The vitamin C in sukumawiki also helps to relieve stiff joints. Sukumawiki helps in fighting Diseases. Sukumawiki helps in in preventing various cancers such as colon, prostate and ovarian. It contains vitamin K which assists in bone health, forestalling the effects of osteoporosis and Alzeheimer’s. Sukumawiki also contains folic acid and B6 which provide cardiovascular support and prevent heart disease. With all these benefits in the body no wander our girl Lupita loves sukumawiki and you should to. Sukumawiki can be eaten alone or a as a side dish with your favorite carbohydrate that includes mashed potatoes, rice among others. But the best accompaniment is ugali/fufu-maize meal like food. Sukumawiki can be boiled, fried or steamed. How do you like your sukuma wiki?

ugali sukuma