Even after the 2013 Christmas season is long gone the effects of Kenya’s night travel ban continue to ‘bite’ not only bus owners but travelers pockets.
If you are in Kenya or you plan to visit Mombasa you may want to try this option – Mombasa Train Travel. Travel to the coastal town of Mombasa with a train as you experience a unique adventure. The train is cheaper and will definitely save you an extra shilling.
Down side, the cabins may seem small. You may also lack complete privacy. There is also a possibility that you will experience major delays especially in the rainy seasons. For all these troubles however you will get to see the SCENERY!

Nairobi Mombasa Train

inside the train

Mombasa Beach
Soon to come is the standard gauge railway a proposed KSh 447.5 billion railway line between Mombasa and Nairobi ; the perfect getaway into East Africa. Anticipated ‘maiden voyage’ is 2018 . For now, check out the Nairobi Mombasa train rates below.