Moving Sushi is Africa’s main advocate to the oceanic world, with a beautiful movement based on travel, sea creatures, and a community of people who care about the environment.
The travel website was launched in 2008 when married couple and Fisheries Scientist/Director Mike Markovina and Writer/Director Linda Markovina travelled across the globe through East and West Africa, Europe and Asia.
These travels stirred the South African couple’s passion to start documenting what they experienced during their travels. Through photographs, videos and blog posts, they communicated to the world what the different regions hold underwater – and eventually they had to also document the issues that came along with it.
Moving Sushi is therefore passionate about marine conservation and some of the projects that they have been involved with include research of the East African coastline; this gives valuable insights on the effects of climate change and the evolving coastline. On their YouTube channel, they share a bit about this project and their experience working for marine conservation so far:
The Moving Sushi team consists of Linda who is a freelance writer and photojournalist who does most of the writing for the blog. Mike, who is a freelance fisheries monitoring control and surveillance for the Smart Fish program, is the one who generates the ideas for the website. He is also a writer, photographer, film maker and the expedition’s leader.
The brains of the whole operation, Dr. Rhett Bennett, is a Fisheries Scientist and also one of the directors. Lover of African bodies of water, this enterprising fisheries scientist can also identify most fish by their proper Latin names, and is a great contributor to the team.