Many would grimace at the thought of saving certain parts of slaughtered cattle, yet these parts can make some of the most pleasant of culinary surprises. Take oxtail for example. It basically comprises the tail of cattle, used especially to make soups/stews.
So wipe that grimace off your face and let us get experimenting. Today, we shall make a delectable delight. Oxtail soup!
You will need oxtail chunks, wine, onion, salt, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, cloves, ketchup, flour, tomatoes and parsley. Under running water, clean the oxtail and then put it in a pot. Boil it in wine and onions, cooking over low heat with the pot covered. You know what your Mama always used to say; you must cover the pot to preserve all the good juices, to stop them from evaporating to the sky!
Let your oxtail simmer in the wine for hours, until it becomes so tender it is almost falling apart from the bone. Allow to cool in the refrigerator for several hours, after which you need to scrape out the fat at the top. Simmer again later on, right before you serve. While simmering this second time, add the salt, garlic and other ingredients, and use the flour to thicken the soup. Enjoy!
Photo Credits: About.com/foodisluv.blogspot.com