The parking fees for Nairobi CBD and its environs were increased by almost 100%. This coupled with the raising petrol prices and unsafe modes of public transport available need not worry you as Uber Nairobi recently opened its doors in Nairobi and it will solve all your problems of finding safe transport.
Uber is a a mobile App that connects passengers with licensed private drivers who can carry them in sleek comfortable rides. Finding safe and quality transport has become quite challenging in this day and age especially since everyone seems to be constantly on the move. With the Commuting with public transport is even harder that leaves taxis as an option. The problem with this is you will be wondering if your safety is guaranteed but Uber Nairobi offers you safe and comfortable transport that you can count on.

Uber phone app
Uber is not only found in Nairobi, but also in other cities. As the world is fast becoming a global village this has helped bring cities closer. Both riders and drivers are brought together through this safe mode of transport at the click of a button after getting the App which will link you together. You will also be able to view the driver of the ride and his credentials too, the license number of the car will also be displayed. Once you register for the service through the app, you will also get to know the payment premiums. The quick payment can be made through your credit card so you need not worry about surprise hikes after the ride. Uber rides investors include Goldman Sachs, Google Ventures among other world renowned companies more reason to trust the urban ride.
Uber was founded in 2009 and can be found in over 70 cities including Nairobi. The company started in San Francisco under the leadership of Travis Kalanick this safe mode of transport has spread to other areas of the world. The track record of the transport company will speak volumes for the Uber Nairobi branch. So if you ever need safe transport Uber is a click away to solve all your needs. log into www.uber.com for more information.