Mosquitoes are a pesky irritation. Their bite, usually a mere nasty itch, could also be harmful and near fatal without proper medical attention.
According to the National Geographic there are more than 3,000 different mosquito species found in different parts of the world. Depending on their location, they may vary in biting presence, habits, ability to transmit disease and flying ability.
Three species of the insect affect human beings. The notorious Anopheles mosquito spreads malaria and elephantiasis. The Culex mosquito transmits the West Nile virus, Encephalitis and Filariasis. The Aedes mosquito includes the Asian Tiger mosquito and transmits the Yellow Fever and Dengue Fever.
Well, have you ever wondered why mosquitoes are attracted to you?
Interesting fact that mosquitoes only suck our blood for the protein to nourish their eggs, otherwise they feed on nectar like most insects.
Mosquitoes are not attracted to everybody. It has to do with your genes. According to scientists, mosquitoes are attracted to human beings because of their odor, which is tied to our genes. It is sometimes impossible to ward them off some people while others are naturally immune to mosquito attention.
Mosquitoes locate and bite humans because of chemical combinations in our bodies. These chemicals include 1-lactic acid, ammonia, carboxylic acids and octenol. Scientists found that adding 1-lactic acid to the scent of an unattractive person made them more susceptible.
Mosquitoes are also attracted to carbon dioxide. If you’re exhausting yourself outside and exhaling a good amount of breath then you are a target for mosquitoes. Temperature and movement also attract the insects.
A study carried out in 1999 revealed that the Anepholes mosquito, which carries malaria, is not attracted to fresh human sweat. The mosquito is mostly attracted to the odor given off by feet. If a smelly pair of socks is hung, the mosquito will attempt to bite them, attracted to the chemicals produced by bacteria in feet. So if you’re in the tropics where this mosquito is found, always make sure that you keep yourself clean, especially your feet, to ward off malaria.
Most other mosquitoes, however, are attracted to sweat. Since mosquitoes are most active from dusk to early morning, try to bathe in the evening when traveling. Scientists recommend that you apply natural antimicrobial plants like sage, lemon eucalyptus, rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus, neem, cumin, lemongrass, thyme, cinnamon, citronella, thyme, coleus, vanillin and peppermint.
If all fails and you are bitten, just look for jewelweed, which is a wildflower that grows as a weed. Mash a few leaves and apply the paste to your bites. You will not itch. Repellents like DEET or permethrin may be used to treat clothing. Be certain to utilize mosquito nets to repel mosquitoes.
You can also keep off mosquitoes by keeping your environment clean.