Earlier this year we featured Eposi Litumbe’s vlog- “Janu with Eposi”; a monthly series with 6 minute long episodes about travel and adventure around the world with Cameroonian, Eposi Litumbe. Since we last wrote about Eposi and her vlog she has been travelling to some amazing places.
This week we would like to focus on her trip to Namibia and the legendary Namibian desert among other great places that she visited while she was there.
Eposi explains that the reason she decided to embark on this amazing travel journey was because she felt, “…Embarrassed at how little I know of countries outside of my native Cameroon on the continent of Africa, I was inspired to start educating myself on the broad history of the continent. Visiting some of these other countries, I was blown away by the beauty that met me, and the rich history of the people”
Namibia is definitely worth visiting. The country is characterised by very diverse landscapes and wildlife. Moreover, Namibia has a very rich cultural history, of which there are many different historical sites to pay homage to. Eposi manages to visit all of these amazing places and she documents her experiences expertly in her Youtube videos.
You can catch up with Eposi and her trip to Namibia below.
We will leave you some parting wisdom from vlogger Eposi herself, “There is no perfect place on this earth, but these stories are worth being told, and told in a way that is engaging, informative and would inspire people who may have never thought to do so- to leave their comfort zones and come to Africa.”
What are you waiting for? Pick a country. Read up on it, and just GO. Happy travelling folks!