Category: Travel & Food
African Cuisine, Food, Africa Travels, Safari, Discover
An International Calling Card for Inexpensive Calls
An international calling card sure is convenient. Have you ever made a cell phone call from another country without realizing you’ll need to take out a bank note to pay for it? When you got your monthly statement you almost passed out. Then you spent four hours on the phone trying to get some customer … read more
Restaurant and Cooking Supplies From a Company You’ll Like
Restaurant supplies are what you need. For your restaurant or your home. If you own, manage, or run a restaurant, or are the purchasing agent for a chain of restaurants, you understand that the restaurant supplies you need are numerous. And you also need a large number of cooking supplies and utensils for your home. … read more
A Great Hotel That Fits Your Style And Price Range
A great hotel is where you want to stay. When you take a trip you want it to be a memorable experience. You want to feel comfortable and relaxed. You want to be in a place you like and around people who make you feel welcome. And you don’t want to break the bank to … read more
Travel Across the Globe with #TRAVELNOIRE
“Travel Noire”, cultivated insights from a global community of black travelers, is the new portal to a wide range of travel possibilities. Greece TravelNoire website promises unique trips with tailored-made itineraries across the globe for all interested travelers. “It doesn’t take a ton of money, a large group of friends, or a wild amount of vacation … read more
Casa De Palma, the Perfect Mombasa Stay
Located inside La Marina, Mombasa, Kenya, Casa de Palma or Palm Tree Homes is a luxury holiday home inspired by Miami design catering to Mombasa living. The development offers one elegantly furnished holiday home rental with more than the essentials to make your coastal visit one to remember. “Malibu” comes fully furnished with two bedrooms, … read more
Mauritius Invites You to Leisure, Cultural Exchange, and Commerce
Our guest blogger of the week is holiday rental agency owner, Dietmar Reigber. He takes us on the rich journey that is Mauritius, and its relationship to Africa: Mauritius is a tropical island located off of its mainland continent Africa, surrounded only by a few other islands in the Indian Ocean. Many of us in Mauritius do … read more
Entrepreneurial Biking Services with Jeffrey Mulaudzi
South African Jeffrey Mulaudzi is a young entrepreneur who has started a tourism business in the town of Alexandra, Johannesburg by offering personal and up-close visits of the township to tourists travelling on bicycles. The 22 year old entrepreneur kicked off his unique business, Mulaudzi Alexandra Tours, to coincide with the World Cup in South Africa … read more
World’s Biggest Lava Lake Now Open to the Public
Mount Nyiragongo is one of the most beautiful active volcanoes of Africa since its eruption in 2002. The site is located in Goma, a city in the Republic of Congo, on the northern shore of Lake Kivu next to the Rwandan city of Gisenyi. The site is reopening to the public for the first time … read more
Explore The Southwestern Highlands Of Uganda
Uganda, The Pearl of Africa, is a beautiful country. It may be landlocked by neighboring Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, DRC and South Sudan and therefore devoid of a scenic coast and white sandy beaches, but what Uganda does offer in its greenery, its lakes and mountains and its highlands, is absolutely priceless and precious. “The kingdom … read more
The Long Miles Coffee Project
Sometimes it may feel like the small farmer is always losing in the modern market, where multinational corporations dominate and profit trumps all. But once in awhile, we find people working actively to make a positive change in the way goods are exchanged. People who care if farmers have enough money to buy food, provide … read more
Advocating For The Consumption Of Orange Maize
In most African countries maize or maize-based products are part of the staple diet. The maize that’s mostly eaten in Africa is of the white variety. However, a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition advocates for the consumption of orange maize that is conventionally bred. The variety is also known as Vitamin A maize because … read more
Eat Off The Perennial Plate
The Perennial Plate offers a rare glimpse into the lives of farmers around the world, showing their regard for the plants that sustain them, their communities, and the earth. But these weekly video episodes are more than clips about sustainable farming. We learn valuable lessons from these farmers as they share the ideas that carry … read more
Kenya Tour And Safari Companies
The excitement of going on a safari often causes people to forget the nitty-gritty of having to pick a tour company or agency. To narrow down your options we have for you 5 tour and safari companies based in Nairobi. 1. POLLMAN’S TOURS AND SAFARIS Founded in the 1950s Pollman’s Tours and Safaris is one … read more
The Lazy Makoti Is Feeding Modern Women
History did a good job of ensuring that the girl child knew that cooking would be an important part of womanhood. After all, she would need to feed her family. Marriage was inevitable and what other way to win a man’s heart than through his stomach. The modern 21st century girl is spoilt for choice … read more
Osse Greca Sinare’s Personal Experience Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro
Last week we featured Mount Kilimanjaro as part of our Travel Fridays. We discovered that a young man by the name of Osse Greca Sinare had climbed the grand mountain. Osse, of OGS Studios in Tanzania, was kind enough to give us a moment of his time for an interview. OGS Studios is one of the … read more
Visit These Seven Places In Kenya
Kenya is blessed with beauty, from its sight and sounds to its people and a culture that’s a rich. It’s an open secret that no one gets bored when visiting the country, with its mountains, plains, beaches, lakes and even deserts, not to mention the wildlife. We’ve taken the time to list 7 parts of the … read more
Food Blog By Wendy Wahito
Wendy Wahito took her love for food and chose to channel it through Wendy Wahito: FoodBlog. Wendy Wahito’s food blog features comprehensive recipes as well as webisodes that demonstrate how to prepare the dishes. The blog features appetizers, entrées, desserts and drinks. Wendy’s meals are not specific to Africa but based on cuisine from all over … read more
Why Mosquitoes Are Attracted To You
Mosquitoes are a pesky irritation. Their bite, usually a mere nasty itch, could also be harmful and near fatal without proper medical attention. According to the National Geographic there are more than 3,000 different mosquito species found in different parts of the world. Depending on their location, they may vary in biting presence, habits, ability to transmit … read more